(M) North Augusta Lions Club Christmas Parade - GAME TIME
The North Augusta Lions Club Annual Christmas Parade will be held on Sunday, December 8th at 3pm, welcoming the holiday season and most importantly the arrival of Santa Claus riding his signature fire truck.
This year’s theme is “Game Time”. Parade entrants are encouraged to decorate a float, vehicle or their group’s attire with this year’s theme to include: Board Games, Video Games, Game Shows, and Sports. Other Christmas themes will be accepted. Parade entries will be judged on creativity and overall appearance. Trophies for first, second, and third place winners in COMMERCIAL and NON-COMMERCIAL categories will be announced immediately following the parade and awarded at the Lions Club meeting, Date and Location TBD.
The North Augusta Lions 2024 Christmas Parade entry forms are available HERE and at the North Augusta Chamber of Commerce/Community Center (495 Brookside Avenue).
Participant fees are $20 for Non-Commercial entries, and $50 for Commercial entries. The Lions Club urges participants to register early to ensure a place in this year’s parade.
For additional information about the parade or to volunteer on parade day, please contact the club at NALionsServe@gmail.com.

Date and Time
Sunday Dec 8, 2024
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EST
$50 Commercial Entries
$20 Non Commercial Entries